Thursday 9 June 2011

...its been a while, check out our new little housie...

Wow, its been waaay to long since my last blog post and I am sorry. It's been rather hectic, me finally moved into our own new place, don't have internet, got a bit of furniture, went to Venice for a long weekend and now I am at my sisters place in North Germany helping her with wedding preparations.

Good news is that I have loads of stuff to blog about and I will start with our new place...Seeing that we came over with only our suitcases and my computer, the new house thing is a work in progress and we get some things every month. This month we got a bed and TV...and the essentials like bedding, crockery, cutlery, vacuum cleaner etc...

So here are some pics... The house is completely newly renovated and everything is shiny and new...we are still waiting for our kitchen and our towel rails in the bathroom....
This is our entrance hall taken from the front door, the door in front is to the bathroom to the left is the living room to the right the main bedroom. The kitchen and guestroom is next to the front door to your right.

The living room with a small balcony...

The bathroom....(we still need to get some light fittings, and we don't have a bath :( )

Our bedroom...which at the moment is the only semi furnished room...

 The guestroom....

Our non kitchen with a tiny balcony...they are coming to install the kitchen on Tuesday, currenlty we have 2 big boxes and a fridge, so eating fast food every night.

Then we started furnishing the place....IKEA delivery, everything comes in seperate boxes and you have to build it and frustraiting...

The boys getting everything into our tiny little lift...Thanks for your help Sven.

 Wollie bought  set of tools so everything would be easier and oh boy they really helped A LOT!

 The instruction manual is a little booklet of about 30pages...

Wollie trying to figure it all out...

This is the base of the bed, called lattenrost and its a mission, each little piece has to be built together...

 and tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....our new pretty HUGEass bed...

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