Monday 29 August 2011 in the park...

Yesterday Wollie and myself went to 'nrj in the park' which was a great music festival at the Olympia Park. We saw some great acts, Stefanie Heinzmann, Mads Langer, Eliza Doolittle, Jennifer Rostock, Joy Denalane, Guano Apes and The Artic Monkeys.  The Guano Apes were amazing, for me, they were the best act there. Just before their last song, the guitarist even took off his pants and shook his private parts around for the crowd.

The Olympia Park, such a great party venue.
Stefani Heinzman, Mads Langer, Eliza Doolittle,  Joy Denalane, Jennifer Rostock, Guano Apes & Artic Monkeys.
These pics are from their Facebook page.

Jennifer Rostock is a german artist and the people LOVE her. Here is another one of her popular music videos called 'Mein Mikrofon'

PS: I hate You Tube here, the block most of the videos.

...half price cocktails, good idea, bad idea...

On Saturday the four of us went to Bad Tölz to find some Lederhosen and Dirndl, cause apparently they are cheaper there than in Munich. We found some really cool ones but the dress was too small and Wollie still wanted to look around for some more options. But I think we are going back there on Saturday and getting the outfits for the Oktoberfest.

Then after that we felt like going somewhere for a drink, so Sven, Colleen, Wollie and me ended up at Sausalitos which is a great bar in town. They have happy hour from 6-8 and wow...did we have waaaay to many cocktails. Too much fun, we ended up arguing about love, life and other crap and then danced the night away.

Too much fun! Thanks guys. It was great!!!!

Friday 26 August 2011

...say something nice...

This is such an awesome video clip. Say something nice people...what would you say?

Thanks Donnay Torr, its an awesome clip! friday...

Wollie is currently working in Frankfurt which sucks. He leaves every Monday morning at 6am and then returns either late Thursday or Friday night...its been going on for the last 4 weeks and has to carry on for the next 3. The one good things about this week away is that every week when he returns, he brings me a magazine. An English magazine. Last night I got the British today I will spend my Friday, in the sun, in the English Garden, paging through my glorious fashion mag. Life is great!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

...pretty sky...

While sitting on our balcony on Friday afternoon, drinking waaay to much wine, we were watching the sky, clouds and sun.... too pretty.

Monday 22 August 2011

...hello dear friends, you make me extremely happy...

I couldn't wait for the boys to get here and spend the weekend with us. We had so much fun. Our house was full and busy and I LOVED it.... I didn't take a lot of pics cause we were too busy enjoying the company :)

5 minutes after their arrival
who has the biggest boep?
boys being boys
on our way to the eisbach
more posing
arnie being arnie
the victory gate
on our way home

Monday 15 August 2011

..tourists 101...

On Saturday Wollie and me finally did the touristy thing and went up the Frauenkirche...The church is considered a landmark of the Bavarian capital and the towers are widely visible. The south tower is open and you can climb up the stairs and into a temperamental lift and have an amazing view of the city and if you're lucky the Alps.

Left image: from google. right...inside the church
The amazing view of the city. It was a little cloudy so we didn't see the Alps.
The view

Saturday 13 August 2011 in the sun...

I totally forgot to blog about this trip. Last week Saturday, Peter, Sophie, Wollie and me went to the Ammersee to soak up the lovely european sun. We had drinks, played volleyball, tanned and even swam. It was naaaaice!

Friday 12 August 2011

...guests make me happy...

Over the weekend Peter and Sophie came to visit and on Sunday we picked up Arne at the airport. The boys are all here cause they always have an annual Africa Tour where they pick a destination, get a car and make their way there. It all started after University and they went roadtrippin to Zanzibar in a 4x4, that's where the name comes from and the name has just stuck even though they are not always in Africa...this is the 4th one and they are going through Eastern Europe. Unfortunately Wollie couldn't make it due to work overload. super sad face...Anyway, so we spent Sunday and Monday doing some exploring.

On Sunday we wanted to go hiking at Garmisch Partenkirchen, which is a mountain resort town in Bayern. The plan was to go up the Zugspitze (2,962 metres above sea level), which is the highest mountain in Germany, but it was such shitty weather that we drove all the way there, had lunch and wine and drove back home.

Cake Shop

Then on Monday we went up 'Der Alte Peter' church to check out the view, and walked around town being all touristy.

The view from 'Der Alte Peter'
The view from 'Der Alte Peter'
All the tourists at the Marienplatz

being tourists

...cheesy cheese...

Mark and Sarah gave us a fondue set for our housewarming gift (thanks guys...its wonderful) and we decided to make the most of it on Saturday night. We googled a recipe and bam...cheese fondue (with lots of alcohol). Peter, Sophie, Colleen, Sven, Wollie and me all had a nice cheesy fondue and ended up playing a ridiculous drinking game that didn't end very well ;)

Thursday 4 August 2011

...thursday timecheck...

I spent my morning browsing the interweb (i know, I do this a lot) and found this awesome clock screensaver via Twig & Thistle ... you can have this awesomeness in your own life by downloading it here...

Download here
Imagine via Twig & Thistle

Wednesday 3 August 2011

...wednesday inspiration...

We finally have a desk in our spare room, so I am making the most of it and spending so much time browsing the awesomeness of the interweb. So today I stumbled across the blog more design please, thanks to pinterest (best site ever) and fell in love with this idea, loads of awesome photos framed in one massive frame. love it!

Monday 1 August 2011 muscle...

When we went to Venice we saw this Gondola Guy who was flirting with some American tourists and totally overcharging her for a trip on his love machine. But he sat on the balcony and it was the perfect pic...I made Wollie stand next to him and I pretended to take pictures of Wollie. I got this great shot and I just love this pic.