Monday 27 September 2010 in progress...

So, we finally had our DIY weekend...and it was so much fun and a lot of hard work...Its still not 100% finished and I have a feeling it will never be, cause once I am done with the current project there is something else that I want to do.

But here are my pretty grey walls (please excuse the mess, its still a work in progress)!!!

This one is the lounge wall. I want to make it our study area. I am planning on hanging some clipboards here and making it a pin board type thing...will update again once its done....

This one is the dining room wall....It desperately needs new lights and a painting or shelf or something.... (and a clean dining room table...hehehe)

And here is me working very very hard....

1 comment:

  1. Fuck that is a nice dining table set.
    Where is it from?
